Featuring: Emo Brandon Manitoba - Join Our Free Singles Website Today!

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Feature Members that have just signed up:

hi idk what to put here lol

Age 21 From Winnipeg, Manitoba - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Woman (968 Miles Away)

mostly looking for friends until i get a more stable housing situation but i'm lonely and want people to talk to lol

Living is a nightmare, but suicides rea

Age 32 From Winnipeg, Manitoba - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (972 Miles Away)

hi im shaela! im 18 about to be 19 soon.^_^ im really fun to be with..but i can be shy and quietat times. if you wanna know any thing else just ask me..^_^

Passion Deranged...

Age 38 From Winnipeg, Manitoba - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (976 Miles Away)

A little bit goth, a little bit punk and a lot of attitude. That about sums it up.

Looking for love.

Age 33 From Winnipeg, Manitoba - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (976 Miles Away)

I enjoy hanging out , watching horror movies, drinking a few beers, being with friends, Cuddling, Partying and having fun. I am cute, funny, shy, and have awesome eyes.

Creepy kid from under the stairs

Age 37 From Winnipeg, Manitoba - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Woman (976 Miles Away)

I'm an artist and have a real love for music and the way words flow. I live for adventure, I'm the kind of person who strikes up random conversation in a grocery store.


Age 34 From Winnipeg, Manitoba - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Woman (971 Miles Away)

I believe in breaking free from conformity, dressing punk, disobeying authority figures, respecting elders, living in the moment, planning for my career, DIY philosophy, Hot Topic, and HOT punk girls ;) I am totally looking for some one who agrees...

Great Chat room for Emo Brandon Manitoba!

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