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Latest Members that have just signed up:

Creative & smart lady looking 4 good guy

Age 54 From Charleston, South Carolina - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1063 Miles Away)

I am kind, loving, smart and funny. I have a great job that I love and three grown children out of the house. Looking for a fun, kind, emotionally avaliable, financially responsible man. Would like to enjoy nature together, cooking together, dining...

Nerdy, geeky, quirky and tat addict

Age 38 From Rock Hill, South Carolina - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (960 Miles Away)

I’m an esthetician. I am looking for a man who is kind, sweet, funny, nerdy, geeky, silly, and cuddly.

Memento mori

Age 24 From Myrtle Beach, South Carolina - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1106 Miles Away)

Hey, I'm Andrea and I've decided to give this site another try. I love music and my favorite band is Black Veil Brides. I find them really inspirational and they've helped me through a lot. I sing, paint shirts, sew, and make/customize jewelry. I...


Age 29 From Boiling Springs, South Carolina - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (907 Miles Away)

Lonely smoker who loves music and people who are down to earth.

pop punk is the work of evil

Age 43 From Hartsville, South Carolina - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1023 Miles Away)

punk/skin full time student looking for a partner in kaos & destruction

pass the faygo

Age 44 From Campobello, South Carolina - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (897 Miles Away)

Well my name is tessa ama satanit and i love metal and dressong goth anything else just ask

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