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Latest Members who have just signed up:

Hiii I’m Breigh

Age 21 From Moundsville, West Virginia - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (120 Miles Away)

I love red and black and I’m not good at bios

diehard metalhead

Age 20 From Portsmouth, Virginia - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (417 Miles Away)

baby witch in training looking for something long term

Baby bat aesthetic, fan of good music

Age 26 From Falls Church, Virginia - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (319 Miles Away)

My fashion sense can vary from baby bat to just left the gym. I like alt rock, a fair amount of metal, and emo pop. (Basically a lot of the names that were on the When We Were Young or Warped tours.) Im into anime (have at least one cosplay picture...

Hi! I’m Bri🖤 I’m looking for friends!

Age 21 From Charlottesville, Virginia - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (275 Miles Away)

I’m looking for friends, I’m looking for a guy who is 18-23, love horror movies, alt rock and metal and not afraid of paranormal activities, and into skulls and love the color black or red or both. Hmu! 🖤

Want to know me just DM me

Age 30 From Wise, Virginia - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Woman (208 Miles Away)

Hey guys I like music,movies,Art,animals,nature, cook,video games,making new friends, sing,dance ,swim,take naps,post pictures .if there anything else just DM me .

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