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Age 38 From Plaquemine, Louisiana - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (814 Miles Away)

I'm very out spoken. And if somebody ask me advice I tell truth even if it hurts I don't take shit off of nobody. I'm a person that is not hard to get along with, I like meeting new people and doing new thing.

Crazy dark rocker chick

Age 40 From New Orleans, Louisiana - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Woman (802 Miles Away)

I love human anatomy, cemeteries, red wine, walking around the French Quarter after the rain, and most importantly- Rock n Roll!!

Kim and Misty, Yes, we're twins ;) ;)

Age 41 From New Orleans, Louisiana - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (802 Miles Away)

We're identical twins, if you haven't noticed ;) ;) We're passionate about life. Love to act, direct, film, edit, write (screenplays, stories, novels, poetry, etc.), play keyboard/compose own music together on it, draw (sketch, anime, still-life...

just loving creepy pasta

Age 29 From Gonzales, Louisiana - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (806 Miles Away)

I have nothing to say really but that I want someone in my life at this present time

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