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Latest Members who have just joined up:

I love playing video games

Age 19 From Wood Dale, Illinois - Online 3 days ago
Woman Seeking Man (294 Miles Away)

I love playing video games I love listening to music I love drinking water, soda, juice and everything else like that and I love McDonald’s especially chicken nuggets or anything else that makes me feel hungry

Emo- dating? I'm willing to try it out!

Age 27 From Round Lake, Illinois - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (313 Miles Away)

I've tried going on dates with people but can't find a perfect match. People make me feel different and that's something I'm trying to figure out, maybe this site could help. I like being alone, watching movies, and going on trails.

I think emos are super hot💗💗😼😼

Age 19 From Lake in the Hills, Illinois - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (317 Miles Away)

I love horror I like reading yaoi and im bi

On here looking forward a bf! :3

Age 25 From Plainfield, Illinois - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (295 Miles Away)

I want someone to watch memes with, to go on epic adventures with, and have deep convos with.. Including what’s our favorite dinosaurs, I need someone to do stupid stuff with in Walmart too! If you like anime, gaming, art, animals and nature swipe on...


Age 52 From Chicago, Illinois - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (275 Miles Away)

Just checking this out.. like everyone else.

Ready to meet like minded people.

Age 29 From Rockford, Illinois - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (351 Miles Away)

I'm tired of being with people who don't understand me. It's not just a style it's my lifestyle. I'm looking for like minded people to enjoy the darkness with.

Great Chat room for Emo St Charles Illinois!

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